‘A writer writes a novel, a songwriter writes a song, we do what we can to endure.’ 小到将心爱之人的记忆都珍藏于心内在日常都会为其忧郁伤神而无法自拔;大到驻留原地静看尘世变迁无需大篇台词静静的记录着时间、生命还有各种情绪就这样触动着心里面最容易被打动的那一部分
"Rattigan himself, however, said that his prime concern was “the illogicality of passion” and that comes across beautifully in McCrory’s performance. Left alone, she paces her room in moody silence. In the presence of Freddie, even after her aborted suicide, she becomes a different woman. McCrory’s features blaze like a city in illumination. I’ve seen many fine Hesters but few who have conveyed so clearly what Shakespeare called “the very wrath of love”. (Michael Billington)